
Feeling Close

(composed on my phone)

Today a very close friend asked me what it was like being married to Marie now that she's pregnant, in a way that only a guy friend would ask. I hadn't thought about it much, but my heart brimmed at the reflections of the past 8+ months.

Marie has been wonderful! I feel closer yo her than ever. We gave up on trying to trust each other. For us, trust is not always intimacy. If you trust some one, you don't have a lot of intimacy with them. We prefer do talk about our relationship in terms of safety.

I don't want Marie to simply trust me, I want to be safe for her. I want to protect her. I want to respect the sacrifices that she makes to help our family and to bring this little life into the world.

This year has been the best year yet. We are safer for each other than ever. My answer to my friend suprised me a little bit, but I'm glad he asked.

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