I'll wind up talking about this book quite a bit, but some history is required before I begin. This is my fourth Feiler book. His first book Walking The Bible awakened my interest in the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. I tore through the huge volume in one sitting and grew very attached to Bruce Feiler's writing style. Then, I was introduced to Learning to Bow (his story about teaching English in Japan) just before my wife and I moved to Japan to teach English for a year. His book was an ESL bible for us that year and was like looking into our future. We were prepared in advance for the culture shock we'd face. The Third book was Abraham: A Journey into the Heart of Three Faiths. It was an excellent follow up effort to Walking Through the bible and it got me through many tough days in Japan. Over the years I've really grown to enjoy his writing. It has inspired me to get to know G-d better and to lean as much as I can about the roots of my faith.
In his latest book, he picks up where Walking the bible left off and goes on a journey that stopped at the end of the Torah, and he continues through the end of the Hebrew Bible. I've been chewing on this book in my head for the past few months. I read it before bed and meditate on the biblical insight Feiler gives. I've 99 more pages to go, but some of the posts in the cooker are on David as a rogue mercenary, the importance of exile to Jewish and Christian faith, and Cyrus G-d's anointed.
Looking forward...
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