Every other month our middle school ministry has the responsibility of providing a church service at our East campus. The campus is located in a part of the city that helps us serve a lot of homeless and section 8 communities. Every week a different ministry from the church provides a service for the guests that includes a song service, creative element, a testimony, and a teaching. After the service, we serve our guests some food. In march one our young teenagers helped preach part of the message to our guests there. I was so proud of him telling about what God did in his life and sharing scriptures and what they meant to him.

After James shared, I came up to transition into a song service and it seemed to work well. All the guests and volunteers were hanging on his every word and I think that having a teenager share from the scriptures enabled all of us to hear truth from a different perspective. As Rob Bell says, "let familiarity breed unfamiliarity." That's what happened for us when we heard scripture teaching from someone we weren't used to listening to.

At the end I was thinking that I shouldn't have got up to tie things together because it wasn't really necessary. James did a great job of sharing and not much needed to be said. However, since this was our first try at tag team teaching with a teenager, I think it went well. One problem we have is actually getting our teenagers 20+ miles south to downtown Austin. I want to get better at communicating to parents that this can be a family thing and all of them can serve in this ministry environment together.

I also wanted to point out Thomas Wright. He's the director of Shoreline East and does an amazing job. Click on his name to check out some of his art. He's incredibly talented and such a good guy. He's pictured here to the left.
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